Reflection on Rebecca Traister by Evy Wyman

Last Wednesday, I had the privilege to work an event hosted by Arizona List promoting the incredibly sharp feminist writer, Rebecca Traister. The event was filled with the unbelievable joy that comes from like-minded individuals coming together to support a righteous cause. Throughout the event I could barely stop smiling; every moment was embedded with pride in all the women who showed up, all the people who have shown up for feminist events in the past,  how far this influential movement has come, and how much we have achieved. There was also anger-no less prominent- raging in every attendee, affirming everything we fight for, fueling future action, commanding us to think on how we can change this country and the world. 

I felt overwhelming amazement at the true power of this event, reflected in the attendees, who ranged from high schoolers I know have been working to end misogyny for years, to our strong female political leaders, to Traister herself. 

She spoke with stunning accuracy and nuance, often referencing the book that changed my life, her very own Good and Mad (10/10 recommend!). Her speech was moving, inspiring, and angry-the best possible thing a woman can be in our current time. I was lucky enough to speak with her after the event, and I jumped at the opportunity to tell her how much her book and the event had meant to me. 

I will never forget this wonderful and motivating night. I am so grateful to talk to such encouraging feminist role models at this event- women in our government, writing books, and working to change this state, including every Arizona List member!


Written by Evy Wyman, high school student and Arizona List intern.

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